According to the most recent statistics, each year in the United States roughly 5,000 construction workers are killed on the job making construction work one of the deadliest professions in the country. While California has seen some efforts in the industry to improve safety, eliminating work place hazards takes constant vigilance due to the nature of construction work and special effort must be made to make sure that companies follow safety protocols and industry regulations and guidelines.
California has seen numerous construction accidents and fatalities this year. These include a deadly San Jose construction accident where a man was struck and killed by an excavator, and another fatality where an Oceanside workers was killed when a concrete slab from a retaining wall fell and crushed him. Other incidents include workers being killed as the result of on-site vehicle collisions, deadly falls from roofs and scaffolding, and electrocutions. Hundreds of other incidents involving serious personal injuries have been documented this year by the Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Unfortunately, many times it is not until a serious accident or injury occurs that problems are revealed and steps are taken to improve safety. Often, accidents could have been prevented had properly training occurred. Generally, it is the duty of contractors and employers to ensure that workers are receive adequate training, that they understand what they’ve been taught, and that they implement that training.
Where a worker is injured as the result of an owner or contractor’s failure to provide a safe work environment, including failing to follow proper OSHA guidelines, the injured party may be able to bring a civil lawsuit to recover damages, file a claim for workers’ compensation, and in some situations both.
To determine the best steps to take if you or a loved one has been involve in a construction accident, please contact the dedicated Oakland personal injury lawyers at to explore your options. For more information, please contact our experienced California workers’ compensation law firm today.