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Construction Site Safety

On Behalf of | Feb 1, 2016 | Construction Accidents |

A recent report concerning California’s economy reveals that the construction industry continues to grow and rebound after it crashed in 2006.  Beginning in 2013, the construction industry has been experiencing a resurgence, and all signs suggest that this boom will continue for the next several years, both in the commercial and residential arenas.   Industry insiders note “2016 is shaping up as a great year for construction.”

However, with the dramatic increase construction jobs, ensuring workers’ safety is paramount.    Construction sites are inherently dangerous, and include hazards both as the result of the nature of the business – such as working from heights and working on partially completed buildings and structures, as well as the sometimes chaotic nature of a construction site.

As a result of these dangers, it is incumbent on project owners, general contractors and subcontractors to take steps to provide a reasonably safe work environment. Safety precautions include not only making sure that workers are made aware of hazards, and are provided the proper safety equipment and gear, but also that they receive proper training on how to operate dangerous machinery and how to avoid other hazards.

Additionally, general contractors have a duty to exercise their retained control in a safe manner and to sequence work in a fashion that does not create job site hazards among the various subcontractors. General contractors may be found negligent and legally responsible for damages if their failure to do so results in unreasonably dangerous conditions that lead to accidents and worker injuries.

For more information, or if you have been injured in a construction accident, please contact the experienced Oakland construction accident lawyers at Viadro Law, LLP for an immediate consultation. 


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