At Butler Viadro, we take to heart the notion of being useful in the lives of our clients. In a recent case, we were able to ensure that an elevator constructor (a member of the International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 8) who had worked in the trade for 35 years was compensated for the loss of his career after being injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident. Our client was grateful for the work we did on his behalf. He decided to make his gratitude tangible and built this beautiful lamp from an old discarded hydraulic control valve made of brass. We think it is a wonderful work of art and have placed it in a place of honor in our front conference room where we take many of our depositions. It will inspire us to continue the fight.
It was our goal to bring a little light into the darkness which followed the loss of this gentleman’s career; little did we know that he would bring a little light into our lives in return. We think that this is pretty cool. We share this photo with you so that his kindness may extend a little light into your life as well.
By: James G. Butler