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Californians living with paralysis face significant expenses

On Behalf of | Jan 3, 2019 | Career-ending Injuries |

When a person in California is paralyzed in a car crash, workplace accident, or sporting accident, they may find their whole world has turned upside down. Not only must they relearn how to perform basic tasks, if they are able to perform these tasks at all, but they may also find that their injury keeps them from ever being able to work again. This is significant, as data from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center taken from 2010 to 2014 reveals just how expensive living with a spinal cord injury can be.

On average, a person with high tetraplegia will sustain over $1 million in health care and living expenses during the first year they are injured, and almost $185,000 in health care and living expenses each subsequent year. On average, a person with low tetraplegia will sustain approximately $769,000 in health care and living expenses during the first year they are injured, and approximately $113,000 each subsequent year.

On average, a person with paraplegia will sustain almost $519,000 in health care and living expenses during the first year they are injured, and almost $69,000 each subsequent year. Finally, a person with any level of incomplete motor function will sustain approximately $347,500 in health care and living expenses during the first year they are injured, and just over $42,200 each subsequent year.

Keep in mind that these numbers do not include indirect expenses spinal cord injury victims sustain, such as lost wages and lost productivity. What these numbers do show, however, is that those who have suffered a career-ending injury that has resulted in paralysis can expect that they will face enormous expenses related to their medical care as well as their daily living expenses. Therefore, if their injury was due to someone else’s negligence, the injured party may want to learn more about what legal options they have for pursuing compensation for the extensive damages they have suffered.


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