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Here To Protect Your Future And Your Finances

Securing maximum compensation for those hurt on the job and elsewhere.

Helping you overcome career-ending injuries

On Behalf of | Sep 12, 2019 | Career-ending Injuries |

Much like no one expects to be involved in a serious accident, they are likely also unprepared to deal with the aftermath of a serious injury. Whether it occurred at work, on the roadway, at home or on the property of another, when an individual in California is severely injured in an accident, it can disrupt their life in many ways. If the injuries are very serious, they could result in the person being unable to work.

While temporary disabilities following an accident are fairly common, a permanent disability has the ability to affect many facets of the victim’s life. Depending on the type of injuries and damage suffered, a victim may not be able to maintain the job or type of work they did prior to the accident.

It can be very emotional for an accident victim to give up on a career they love because of an accident caused by a negligent party. In addition to suffering this loss, a victim is impacted financially from the accumulating medical bills. Without a job to pay for these bills, a victim can quickly feel overwhelmed. This is where our law firm can be of assistance. We can help individuals in the Oakland area navigate these difficult matters, helping them understand their rights and how to hold a negligent party accountable for the losses and damages suffered.

To learn more, check out our law firm’s career-ending injuries website. A serious accident can alter and disrupt a victim’s life in a significant way. In order to overcome this situation, it is important to understand what options one has.


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