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Tips for avoiding pinch point injuries

On Behalf of | May 13, 2020 | Workers' Compensation |

It isn’t uncommon for machines such as printing presses or powered rollers to have pinch points. A pinch point occurs wherever a person could get caught between two moving components or between a moving component and a stationary one. Pinch points can also occur whenever material could get caught in a machine. If an individual were to get caught in a pinch point while working in a California factory or warehouse, he or she could experience a significant injury.

Machine guards are designed to prevent employees from reaching over, through or around an existing pinch point. Workers who notice that a pinch point has been left unguarded are encouraged to notify a supervisor of the potentially dangerous condition. Workers are also encouraged to refrain from touching or otherwise tampering with a guard that has already been put in place. Ideally, only a trained professional will adjust or remove a guard that has been installed on a piece of equipment.

Employers are encouraged to talk to their employees about what machine guards are and why they are necessary. They may also want to provide formal training as to how guards work. This may reduce the possibility that workers attempt to remove or otherwise circumvent them. Employers also have the option to completely remove a pinch point if it is feasible to do so.

Individuals who are hurt on the job may be able to receive workers’ compensation benefits. This might be possible whether a worker was partially responsible for the events that led to his or her injury. An attorney may be able to talk more about the process of applying for benefits or what to do if an application is denied. Legal counsel may also help those who aren’t clear about the status of an application.


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