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Important safety tips for businesses in California

On Behalf of | Oct 2, 2020 | Workers' Compensation |

In the blink of an eye, a single mishap can cause injury or death in the workplace. Safety guidelines exist for a reason, and it’s important for business owners to not only establish safety guidelines but also model these behaviors in front of their employees. A safe workplace can mean the difference between an ordinary workday and a sudden accident that causes a severe injury. Here are some of the most important workplace safety guidelines that business owners can establish.

What are some of the most important workplace safety guidelines?

One of the most important things that business owners can do is make sure that employees take their breaks. It might seem unnecessary, but many employees get involved in a project and decline to take a break during their shift. As a result, they could become frustrated and fatigued, which can lead to accidents in the workplace.

Additionally, employees should be encouraged to report unsafe conditions. If an employee notices a spill or hazard, their supervisor should take the issue seriously and take care of it immediately. If their concerns are dismissed, employees will be less likely to report issues, which can lead to serious hazards later on.

Employees should also be reminded to wear protective equipment, even if they don’t think it’s necessary. Many injuries can be prevented by employees wearing earplugs, goggles, helmets, gloves and other safety equipment. Without it, they might end up injuring themselves on the job and requiring workers’ compensation.

How can employees get assistance with workers’ compensation?

An employee who’s been injured on the job might wish to speak with an attorney about workers’ compensation benefits. Without an attorney, their employer might deny their request for disability benefits. An attorney may be able to help the employee collect their benefits as soon as possible so that they can focus on recovering from their injuries.


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