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When is a car crash eligible for workers’ compensation?

On Behalf of | Aug 29, 2022 | Workers' Compensation |

A variety of scenarios may lead you to experience a car accident. If your insurer finds you not at fault, you may file a personal injury claim to help recoup damages. However, the crash may also fall under workers’ compensation.

While a car crash usually does not lend itself to a workers’ compensation claim, in certain situations, it may. Learn more about the factors that should exist that may allow for you to file both a personal injury and workers’ compensation claim after an accident.

What qualifies for workers’ compensation?

If you experience an on-the-job incident that leaves you hurt, you may file a workers’ comp claim with your employer. Any injury you sustain during the ordinary course of your job may fall under workers’ comp. Some injuries that happen during working hours when your boss requests a deviation from your regular routine may also qualify.

When does a car accident rise to job-related?

If your job requires you to drive regularly, like a delivery driver, a crash would automatically become part of a workers’ compensation claim. A crash will not typically rise to a qualified activity for jobs that do not usually consist of driving. However, if your boss asks you to travel during office hours, any accident that may happen during this activity becomes a work-related incident.

Why file for personal injury and workers’ compensation?

Car accidents may leave you facing a whole new future. The injuries may prove substantial and keep you out of work indefinitely. Between the loss of a paycheck and medical bills, you may face mounting debt. If you have the ability and right to file both personal injury and workers’ comp claims, you may not bear the burden alone.

A crash may result in permanent injuries and loss of your lifestyle.


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